BioHiTech has declared in a news press released last week, that it has received an additional purchase order for its Revolution Series food waste digesters from Carnival Corporation, valued at approximately $500,000.

The delivery for installation of the above mentioned digesters is expected to be by the first quarter of 2021. Utilization of the Revolution Series digesters is part of Carnival’s comprehensive plan to limit food waste, achieve safe onboard disposal, and improve associated environmental outcomes.

Earlier this year, the New York based Chestnut Ridge BioHiTech signed a purchases contract with the same company valued at $14m, for hundreds of Revolution series digesters and ongoing cloud-based data analytics and supplies.


The BioHiTech digester works like a robotic stomach, using aerobic digestion with naturally occurring bacteria, water and oxygen to break down food waste into liquid form. No chemicals are needed. With the right condition a digester can process up to 100 pounds of food waste in one hour.

Bacteria is introduced into the digester through water soluble packets which contain a mixture of microorganisms in a carrier. The carrier (or the host) is need so that the microorganisms feed off during transport and storage as well as to provide the starter nutrients for the digestion process. The carrier is also a natural product and can be grain, yeast or woody pulp.

Different industries will require different strains of bacteria, depending of the waste profile to be digested. Some microorganisms thrive on fats oils and greases while others prefer fruits and vegetable.


The Revolution Series Digesters are expected to deliver these main benefits for Carnival Corporation: reduce greenhouse gases and improve environmental outcomes via the safe onboard disposal of food waste. BioHiTech’s data analytics platform will also provide real-time supply chain transparency to help with the food waste reduction efforts.

Looking back at the challenges Carnival and the cruise industry has faced during recent years, regarding disposal of food waste at sea, installing bio-digesters seems to be a major step forward. The questions is, what will Royal Caribbean and the other major players in the industry do? Will they follow the initiative, try something new or resume to the old ways?