Mechanical Stomach Offers Solution to New York City’s Composting Dilemma
Composting of food waste in the city was supposed to be required as of July 1, but it won’t be in effect for quite some time. July 1 was supposed to…
6 High-Tech Solutions to Food Waste
From composting food scraps and donating excess to food banks to a new Boston supermarket selling about-to-expire foods, a lot of effort has been devo…
How does big data help sustainability campaigns?
Whether it is reducing food waste, increasing recycling, or promoting energy efficiency, the ability to collect and analyze big data can deliver a huge boost to any sustainability effort, says Owen Yeo, business development manager, Enerprof. “We cannot manage what we cannot measure” – this management mantra has shaped the development and formation of various businesses […]
Waste Not…
Across the country, correctional leaders are challenged with operating at maximum efficiency while meeting the expectation of providing quality servic…
Smart System Provides Green Solution for Food Waste Removal
BioHitech America, a green technology company that provides an innovative data-driven solution for food waste removal, is continuing to see tremendous…
Improving efficiencies reduces the amount of food waste being sent to America’s landfills
The food and beverage industry are unfortunate contributors to the more than 1.3 billion tons of waste. Large portion sizes, overly abundant menu choi…
Using Digestion & Data to Divert and Eliminate Food Waste
Food waste continues to be a global crisis. Globally, an estimated 133 billion pounds of food ends up in landfills every year, contributing to greenho…
Maximizing the Value of Food Waste
Talkin’ Trash: Quotes from David Steiner, Keefe Harrison, BioHiTech Global and more
“I’m not going to apologize for being a for-profit company.” — Waste Management CEO David Steiner at a recent Resource Recycling Conference in New Or…
BioHiTech launches interactive industrial communication technology
Dive Brief: • BioHiTech Global has launched a new communication technology called BioHiTech Alto which can increase productivity for the company’s Ec…