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BioHiTech Upgrades Offering with Chat Capability

As some generators opt to install onsite technology to help manage food waste, tech firms are continuously improving their offerings and expanding services. For example, Chestnut Ridge, N.Y.-based BioHiTech Global Inc. is creating what it says is the first intelligent...

4 Ways your Business Can Reduce Waste (and Save Money)

Your business may literally be throwing away money. Many business owners do not realize the impact that wasting food has on their bottom line. Over one third of the world’s food supply is wasted annually, amounting to a global profit loss of $750 billion and 133...

Food for Thought: Finding a solution to Thanksgiving waste

The U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates that Americans will scrape over 200 million pounds of food off their plates and into the trash this week, marking one of the highest food waste generating days of the year: Thanksgiving. On Thursday, residential garbage...