Apr 26, 2017 | South China Morning Post
Newly launched Food Savior sells unused portions of fresh food such as gourmet cheeses, while restaurants in Hong Kong and Macau order less food, recycle waste or compost it themselves to lower amount sent to landfills Liz Thomas’ friends and family were horrified...
Jun 7, 2017 | Hotel Business
As the hotel industry expands, so does its impact on the environment. Large groups and small to medium-sized businesses alike are reacting to this by finding smarter, more proactive ways to optimize their sustainability. Without doubt, technology is increasingly...
Aug 9, 2017 | Hotel Owner
Every year in the UK, WRAP estimates that the hotel industry produces almost 290,000 tonnes of waste – including a staggering 79,000 tonnes of food waste. Of this figure, more than one third is classed as unavoidable food waste, taking into account preparation and...
Aug 16, 2017 | Catering Insight
According to figures from the Waste and Resource Action Programme (WRAP), a total of 3,415,000 tonnes of waste is disposed of in the UK food sector every year, of which 600,000 tonnes (41%) of the waste from pubs, restaurants, hotels and quick service restaurants is...