How does big data help sustainability campaigns?
“We cannot manage what we cannot measure” – this management mantra has shaped the development and formation of various businesses and management systems. Although at present there are counter-narratives that state that this mantra does not hold in some contexts such as employee happiness being an intangible asset, we can still safely say that it still holds […]
Improve Operational Efficiency and Profits with On-Site Digestion
Buildings and building occupants today are tasked with maintaining a waste reduction and recycling program that addresses food waste. The EPA estim…
The Eco-Safe Digester Eats Food Court Waste
Due to the complex nature of mall operations, shopping center owners face a number of challenges when trying to make their properties more efficient w…
Disrupting the Supermarket and How We Think About Food
There are self-checkout lines and mobile apps that store our shopper cards, but supermarkets over the decades have largely stayed the same. Shelves are stocked, prices are posted manually, and shoppers escort their selections to a cash register — it’s grocery shopping in 2015 or 1915. The process hasn’t changed much. But the industry seems […]
Food Waste: How Contamination and Lack of Data Are Hindering The Food Waste Revolution
Using clean technology to implement a disposal method that gives you access to waste records and removes the issues related to improper sorting and hi…
Regulations and global sustainability programs are beginning to change the behavior of many restaurants and how they dispose of their organic waste. N…
The Eco-Safe Digester Serves up a More Sustainable Solution
Today’s campuses are doing their part to expand their sustainability efforts by designing ambitious goals and processes to reduce their food waste to…
Incorporating technology into a hotel’s business model plays an important role in their growth.
Incorporating technology into a hotel’s business model plays an important role in their growth. And those within the lodging industry know that in ord…
5 High Tech Ways Companies Are Tackling Food Waste During The Holiday Season
In 2013, Americans threw away 204 million pounds of turkey, according to the NRDC. That’s $277 million worth. Or put another way: the resources it too…
Saving Dollars and Making Sense of Going Green
By Matt Ellis Green Elite is still a relatively new term for Dunkin’ Donuts. When Dunkin’ Brands launched its Green Initiative in late 2014, it iden…