Food Waste is a Global Problem

Supermarkets and grocery stores are significant contributors to the 34 million tons of food wasted each year. The disposal of food waste is a complica…

New Solutions to Reducing Food Waste

While perusing the National Restaurant Association’s What’s Hot 2015 Culinary Forecast, an annual survey of close to 1,300 professional chefs, I was s…

Trimming your property’s waste output can benefit the environment and your bottom line

TRASH PILES ARE SHRINKING across the United States as a growing number of hotels are opting to divert waste previously destined for landfills. Adopting greener waste-management practices offers a handful of benefits. It aligns your property with state and local waste-reduction laws that, if not enacted in your area yet, likely will be soon. It […]

Stepping Up to The Plate

INCINERATION and landfill were a popular destination for food waste until around 2008, and the arrival of an increasingly stiff UK tax regime for land…