Digital Technology Takes on Food Wate

As the 2015 Universal Exposition in Milan explores the sustainability of food systems, waste remains a major obstacle to feeding the planet, with about one-third of what the world produces lost or thrown away.  In developing countries, for example, poor distribution networks and lack of cooling facilities result in post-harvest waste losses of 30-40%, according […]

Focus On: Waste Management

The Eco-Safe Digester is an on-site aerobic digester that eliminates up to 2,500 pounds of food waste in a 24-hour period. It uses mechanical and biol…

Company engaged in limiting food waste in landfills goes public

BioHiTech Global Inc., which makes products that convert food waste into grey water, went public in a reverse merger with a registered shell company and says it may borrow or sell stock to raise capital. There was no private placement associated with the transaction, but a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission said the […]

Waste Not…

Across the country, correctional leaders are challenged with operating at maximum efficiency while meeting the expectation of providing quality servic…