Aerobic Digester “smart” Way To Address Disposal Bans
The diversion of organic waste from landfills to composting facilities is an ongoing social trend being embraced by municipalities, businesses and cit…
It’s Time To Stop Managing Waste & Start Preventing It
Diverting the world’s estimated 12 million tons of daily waste is no easy task. Today’s waste management strategies are often costly, cumbersome, and…
Digital Technology Takes on Food Wate
As the 2015 Universal Exposition in Milan explores the sustainability of food systems, waste remains a major obstacle to feeding the planet, with about one-third of what the world produces lost or thrown away. In developing countries, for example, poor distribution networks and lack of cooling facilities result in post-harvest waste losses of 30-40%, according […]
Waste Industry Veteran Uses Technology to Revolutionize The Waste Industry
During the many years of my career thrust into the waste industry, I knew that eventually there would be a time and a solution that offered a better,…
Utilizing Technology to Efficiently Handle Food Waste
As more and more hotels create programs to keep their properties on the eco-friendly path, one component that is often ignored is food-waste managemen…
Mechanical Stomach Offers Solution to New York City’s Composting Dilemma
Composting of food waste in the city was supposed to be required as of July 1, but it won’t be in effect for quite some time. July 1 was supposed to…
Garbage Becoming Green Provides Green, Cost-Effective Solutions
From the actual sorting of the material to recordkeeping and data collection, as well as reporting on behalf of the client to agencies such as the Pue…
Focus On: Waste Management
The Eco-Safe Digester is an on-site aerobic digester that eliminates up to 2,500 pounds of food waste in a 24-hour period. It uses mechanical and biol…
Company engaged in limiting food waste in landfills goes public
BioHiTech Global Inc., which makes products that convert food waste into grey water, went public in a reverse merger with a registered shell company and says it may borrow or sell stock to raise capital. There was no private placement associated with the transaction, but a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission said the […]
Waste Not…
Across the country, correctional leaders are challenged with operating at maximum efficiency while meeting the expectation of providing quality servic…