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How does big data help sustainability campaigns?

“We cannot manage what we cannot measure” – this management mantra has shaped the development and formation of various businesses and management systems. Although at present there are counter-narratives that state that this mantra does not hold in some contexts...

Correctional Facilities Turn to Food Waste Digesters

Every year, more than 2 billion tons of waste is generated in the United States – and food waste constitutes more than one-third of that amount, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Since food waste is already 70 percent water, it is natural to use...

The Eco-Safe Digester Eats Food Court Waste

Due to the complex nature of mall operations, shopping center owners face a number of challenges when trying to make their properties more efficient while adhering to their CSR mandates. Since tenants command much of the mall’s operational needs, there is a hastened...