The Eco-Safe Digester Serves up a More Sustainable Solution
Today’s campuses are doing their part to expand their sustainability efforts by designing ambitious goals and processes to reduce their food waste to…
Incorporating technology into a hotel’s business model plays an important role in their growth.
Incorporating technology into a hotel’s business model plays an important role in their growth. And those within the lodging industry know that in ord…
5 High Tech Ways Companies Are Tackling Food Waste During The Holiday Season
In 2013, Americans threw away 204 million pounds of turkey, according to the NRDC. That’s $277 million worth. Or put another way: the resources it too…
Using Green Technology and Big Data to Eliminate Food Waste and Change an Industry
The waste industry is an ugly, dirty business. Every year more than two billion tons of waste is generated with over one-third of that being food wast…
Saving Dollars and Making Sense of Going Green
By Matt Ellis Green Elite is still a relatively new term for Dunkin’ Donuts. When Dunkin’ Brands launched its Green Initiative in late 2014, it iden…
Accurate food waste data serves up a more sustainable solution
Many of the 162 universities across the UK are making a concerted effort to better manage the amount of waste they produce. This means changing habits…
BioHiTech Testing Anaerobic Digestion of Aerobic Digester Effluent
BioHiTech America has partnered with Natural Systems Utilities, Ridgewood Green RME and the Village of Ridgewood, New Jersey to test anaerobic digestion of the effluent from BioHiTech’s Eco-Safe Digester at the village’s wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). The Eco-Safe unit utilizes an aerobic digestion process to convert food waste to grey water, also referred to as […]
A stomach of (stainless) steel
Every day large amounts of food waste accumulate in restaurants, food courts, hotels, supermarkets, hospitals, stadiums and convention centers. Typically this volume goes into the waste bins and has to be hauled away for off-site disposal. Ultra-modern biodigesters, machines with a “stomach” of molybdenum containing stainless steel, are revolutionizing the way such waste is handled […]
Improving efficiencies reduces the amount of food waste being sent to America’s landfills
The food and beverage industry are unfortunate contributors to the more than 1.3 billion tons of waste. Large portion sizes, overly abundant menu choi…
Is Singapore ready to tackle food waste?
Singapore urgently needs to reduce its food waste, but do companies have the right tools to do so? Owen Yeo, business development manager, Enerprof, h…