Food Waste Recycling Firm BioHitech Expands Digester Business
Food waste recycling firm BioHitech America has expanded its service of on-site aerobicdigestion systems in the healthcare industry. The Chestnut Ri…
European first for Eco-Safe Digester
GreenComm Environmental has the European distribution rights for Eco-Safe Digester technology, which allows waste food to be converted into water. Last week Europe’s first waste food to water waste Eco Digester machine was installed at the Athenaeum Hotel on Piccadilly. GreenComm Environmental believes the Eco Digester machine will radicalize how food waste is treated and […]
“Mechanical Stomach” Could Turn UK’s Food Waste Mountain Into a Molehill
Far below the stylish suites and luxury rooms of London’s five-star Athenaeum Hotel, a machine billed as a “mechanical stomach” is quietly processing…
Trimming your property’s waste output can benefit the environment and your bottom line
TRASH PILES ARE SHRINKING across the United States as a growing number of hotels are opting to divert waste previously destined for landfills. Adopting greener waste-management practices offers a handful of benefits. It aligns your property with state and local waste-reduction laws that, if not enacted in your area yet, likely will be soon. It […]
Stepping Up to The Plate
INCINERATION and landfill were a popular destination for food waste until around 2008, and the arrival of an increasingly stiff UK tax regime for land…
Aerobic Digester “smart” Way To Address Disposal Bans
The diversion of organic waste from landfills to composting facilities is an ongoing social trend being embraced by municipalities, businesses and cit…
It’s Time To Stop Managing Waste & Start Preventing It
Diverting the world’s estimated 12 million tons of daily waste is no easy task. Today’s waste management strategies are often costly, cumbersome, and…
Digital Technology Takes on Food Wate
As the 2015 Universal Exposition in Milan explores the sustainability of food systems, waste remains a major obstacle to feeding the planet, with about one-third of what the world produces lost or thrown away. In developing countries, for example, poor distribution networks and lack of cooling facilities result in post-harvest waste losses of 30-40%, according […]
Waste Industry Veteran Uses Technology to Revolutionize The Waste Industry
During the many years of my career thrust into the waste industry, I knew that eventually there would be a time and a solution that offered a better,…
Utilizing Technology to Efficiently Handle Food Waste
As more and more hotels create programs to keep their properties on the eco-friendly path, one component that is often ignored is food-waste managemen…