Trimming your property’s waste output can benefit the environment and your bottom line

TRASH PILES ARE SHRINKING across the United States as a growing number of hotels are opting to divert waste previously destined for landfills. Adopting greener waste-management practices offers a handful of benefits. It aligns your property with state and local waste-reduction laws that, if not enacted in your area yet, likely will be soon. It […]

How does big data help sustainability campaigns?

“We cannot manage what we cannot measure” – this management mantra has shaped the development and formation of various businesses and management systems. Although at present there are counter-narratives that state that this mantra does not hold in some contexts such as employee happiness being an intangible asset, we can still safely say that it still holds […]

Food Waste: How Contamination and Lack of Data Are Hindering The Food Waste Revolution

A successful food waste disposal strategy starts with a “Zero-Waste” attitude. Using clean technology to implement a disposal method that gives you access to waste records and removes the issues related to improper sorting and high levels of contamination can bring tremendous value to a business. With more resolve around the survival of our planet […]