Cutting and Dicing Food Waste with Technology
For years now, the hotel industry has had a vision for a more sustainable future. While the industry grows and evolves it continuously considers its i…
A Measurable Impact
Each year, an estimated 133 billion pounds of food that farmers grow never makes it to our plates and tons of it ends up in landfills, where it emits…
Bacteria and big data: Food waste meets its high-tech match
Food waste is one seriously smelly dilemma for anyone serving a large amount of people on a daily basis. But the creative minds at Chestnut Ridge, N.Y…
Cleaning Hotels Up With Food Waste
Hotels are incredible hives of activity and spending time behind the scenes with the back of house teams gives you a truly fascinating insight into wh…
Using Digestion & Data to Divert and Eliminate Food Waste
Food waste continues to be a global crisis. Globally, an estimated 133 billion pounds of food ends up in landfills every year, contributing to greenho…
The Smart Solution to Food Waste
The hospitality industry has never been in a more exciting time and is gaining momentum in the wake of the world’s food and technology revolution. Con…
Better Business From Dumpster Diving
When Dunkin’ Donuts franchise owner Bill Mulholland wanted to reduce costs, he took a closer look at his garbage. About a year ago, he got a deal on a…
Emerging Technologies Provide Opportunity To Recycle & Prevent Food Waste
In 2009, San Francisco became the first local municipal ordinance in the United States to universally require source separation of all organic materia…
High-tech food waste elimination up and running at Harrisburg Hilton
There’s a new high-tech food waste elimination system in Dauphin County. The Eco-Safe Digester at the Harrisburg Hilton was developed by BioHiTech….
Data analytics: The most effective approach for a zero waste solution
Waste Management recently revealed the results of a study it conducted on the costs and benefits to recycling. Among its conclusions the company sugge…